This page is currently being Updated 26/01/21
Art School & Holistic Care
Professional Art Studio & Art Experiences
EST. 2015 - Sydney, Australia
Children - Youth - Adults
Celebrating 10 years of Art School
We are Re - Opening in 2026

Art Circuit

Drawing & Painting Workshops
Teens 11 - 16 yrs
Of course you can use your Creative Kids Voucher
towards our Programs.
Two supervisions are with all our classes with Children for duty of care mandatory
requirements. One teacher is designated to classes of 12 students.
' The Big Cat Returns '
2 Workshops in a Day ( 10am - Midday, 1- 4pm )
Mixed Media Painting with our very popular Auburn Friend.
Mount, pattern and fine-edge finish.
And since they were so adored from late 2018,..
Cats, Big cats, we all love Cats.
Explore your creatvity with a choice from 5 purrfect Cat connections.
This workshop is about experimenting with introduced processes and working towards a
finished outcome to mount at the day's end.
' Feather & Body Dreaming '
2 Workshops in a Day ( 10am - Midday, 1- 4pm )
Cotton weave with hoop
Body decal with colour weaves
A Feather is a protective and emblemic song. It speaks of the all the Colours of the Wind,
white-luminous texture and the frequency. The Dreamcatcher is a grounding-instrument
and cultural integration that can be embellished with strength-based creative touches.
Create your own dreamcatcher for your bedroom with some super-cool energy tips from
Erin about sacred geometry and how you can use unique inclusions to personalise your
sacred space. The Dream Catcher is a protective blessing used in living spaces, specifically
bedrooms to honour guardians & discourage negative energies.
Erin will guide participants through simple 'esteem' awarenesses and how to make a
"sacred space herbal bag" that honours positive faith. We will be using body-temporal
tatooing and the colour-weave in the second part of the workshop.
This workshop encourages Cultural Appreciation for the feather, the red-knotted banding and
that we exist as part of something larger. Intentions are not to be confused.
Participants are encouraged to pick their choice of metal motifs as faith/spiritual honouring in
the workshop: For E.g.: Cross, Ganesh, feather, Star, Indigenous Motifs (picking from a range of
'The Year of the Snake,' - Celestial Blue Workshop
Day Workshop ( 10 am - 4pm )
If you loved the Million Fish ( Cultural appreciation for the Rainbow shapeshifter ) and
mixed - media exploration - you'll love our Snake Totem workshop...
We honour the Land, land energy and Animals are counterpart energy as we travel the
Earth in our lifetime. We also honour the Celestial recognitions in our cosmic calendar
(Sky and forces, 'in verse'). It is a Celestial Blue song with unique rhythms, we awaken from
star dust and we speak in rainbows, patterns, formation and shifting vibration.
This workshop recognises our local vibration, culturally and energetically.
I give my respects to the Ancestors and honour Cultural Respects for the Snake.
* This is one of Erin's new Celestial Blue Workshops.
This extends on cultural-explorations from the "Cultivate Program" ( Teens
11-18years ) plus those who have attended studio and benefited from
"The Art of Giving Art" ( 4-6 years & 7-12 years separately ) .

Click on each image for regular Studio Classes
Art School & Holistic Care
Professional Art Studio & Art Experiences