This page is currently being Updated 26/01/21
Art School & Holistic Care
Professional Art Studio & Art Experiences
EST. 2015 - Sydney, Australia
Children - Youth - Adults
Celebrating 10 years of Art School
We are Re - Opening in 2026

Group Facilitation exists for the following Areas:
Art In-tune Workshop
Teens Development
Crystal Discovery Course
Group Facilitation is structured as workshops and as short courses. Sienna Art Space has a history of facilitation for small to larger groups, as a sub-contracted Independent through Art tuition, leisure courses and circles. Group Facilitation is for Adult participants and teenage youth as indicated. We have also participated in open days and have been engaged with invitation for community engagement at specific venues.
Erin conducts all adult group facilitation with mutual agreements and formal conditions (being a standard requirement). We identify Independent Representation and see the importance of permissions being with all photographed clients, creations and representation.
Art In-Tune
Art In-Tune Workshops give workshop participants the opportunity to engage with practical
experiences and a focus on leisure and enjoyment.
Participants explore focus on sensory experimentation including print, clay (ceramics) and other
voyaging tasks including meditation, energy work and movement. The workshops have a Day
overview with a formalised sequence based on 3 setting situations.
An Application Form for Host Providers is required. You can email Erin as a general enquiry.
"Exploring media and developing energy appreciation plays an important role in Process Art.
When developing ourselves experientially in process, we also conceive new recognitions
Teens Development
Teens Development is an calendar workshop - 'on board with Us'.
Young people enjoy enrichment and develop age-appropriate skills across foundation areas:
1. Sacred Space
2. Dance and Drum
3. Positive Self Image & Confidence
Participants 'in open and closed circle' will appraise other rhythms. The program allows for participants to discover and attribute meaning to their current identity and how they understand belonging (tribe situation). They will look at dynamics of the feminine and the masculine, as well as floor chat conversation as it needs to be on the ground carpet.
Erin has worked extensively with teenagers in primary roles as an Art Educator and is trained in various dance-styles. She incorporates a range of holistic modalities and has evolved her repertoire in therapeutic disciplines. Please be aware we generate studio connections, and not for Mainstream School programs with an awareness for what various faculties offer already. Erin has formally taught in the school system and is aware of Differentiation suited for the Community climate. We play an important role.
This workshop invites the use of Djembe (African drumming), and not to be confused with Spirit drum or Native American connections.
All content and techniques are appropriate for Under 18s.
Service NSW vouchers can be used for our approved programs.
Meditation explores Mind, Body and Energy. It recognises the functioning of breathwork pathways & 'mind-heart intelligence' throughout.
There are many forms of Meditation at Sienna Art Space utilising 'site' as significant contribution, and also object engagement, temperature, calisthenics, movement and other sensory explorations. Variation is the stuff of splendour.
Energy Balancing involves all Mind-Body and Energy calibration to bring improved prosperity & health to one's life. In meditation, opportunity exists to alleviate anxiety and to engage in certain energy balancing modalities, one of which is crystal healing.
We also offer Expressive Soul Art & Meditation as a weekly Studio class.
Crystal Discovery Course
This is a short course on developing intuition through crystals. This course allows adults to
develop intermediate skills via simple activities. We will focus on Crystal Healing for everyday
settings and Ways to use crystals for the self.
Intuition is a complex recognition. Beginners exist naturally however with appreciation for
energy cleansing, faith, protection & regulation - By design we voyage through a long
period of Intermediate enquiry. Please be aware Healing is an 'astute repertoire for personal
power' and Erin will discuss how this word 'operates' in view of Crystal Sessions for clients.
All participants receive a Jade energy to work with.
This workshop is not focused on negative action and using diagrams as "instruments". You may like to visit the Devotional Calendar on the Holistic Arts tab to read one of our Educational Breeze Resources on The Flower of Life entitled Constellation Weaves.
Crystals are a part of many faiths and religions, known for their mystical properties. ( Christianity, Buddhism, African faiths.. )
Ever feel like you need more Motivation?
Motivation is stimulated. Since a large proportion of our Creative Life is self-designed – It is always an great Opportunity Window to be inherently focused on:
Promoting Self-Motivation
Seeing Goals- Activity as “Visual Culture + Mind Culture”
Visualising the Creative Arrows going into Themes & Endpoints.
Again, we stimulate the motivation and we action systems to gain those fundamental small steps forward. Word energy can build a buzz and the system ( by design ) gives practical aid. Corresponding, responsive action is a flow means to meet recognition. Out Creative self utilizes that Creative visualization and strong thought-vocabulary in driving force.
Organised grounding is thus a responsible care. Seeing features of growth as foundation-apparent sequencing and as goals-met, even if only small, fine tunes are confidence – Achievement is possible, dreams are possible. Practical adjustments and focus are anchored in systems, while also being routed in dream-connection ( The ‘I would like to design my own life’ ).
Below are a few words contribute to Visual Culture. Seeing the Building blocks as significantly solid foundations moving forward..
Creative Visualisation and “sound boards” are accessed via companionship & enable individuals to see goals as collaborations
(It works beyond visual systems and practices like the vison board). Collaboration is caught up in a few Independent driving forces:
Frequent Focuses ( ‘I think towards’, therefore ‘I gain momentum’)
I am self-observed action - Reflection becomes a daily driving force for attunement & promise
I design practically, thoughtfully and achieve my desires
Encourage a climate of Esteem ('If we all feel good in achievement, we all raise vibration & collective morale')
Build the energy & Maintain the pattern
For more Self development, see Educational Breeze Resources on the The Devotional Calendar .

Art School & Holistic Care
Professional Art Studio & Art Experiences