This page is currently being Updated 26/01/21
Art School & Holistic Care
Professional Art Studio & Art Experiences
EST. 2015 - Sydney, Australia
Children - Youth - Adults
Celebrating 10 years of Art School
We are Re - Opening in 2026

Drawing & Painting Workshops
Adult Women and Men
I am a Goddess of the Dance
Recognise those Hips
Saraswati - Wisdom & Serenity Swan
Animal Totems in Pastel - World Animals
Energy Ritual painting using Colour
Birds of Paradise - Floral Drench
Crystals & Discovery
Fur Kids - My pets are my Love
Kindred Workshops explore Fine Art territory, across multiple sessions.
Erin has a beautiful history of working with different clientele, adult workshop bookings and facilitating women's circles. While regular weekly Studio is closed, the flame is maintained for all that is bohemian and lush.
An afternoon with the Buddha
Drawing the Image representation of the Buddha is the focus of this workshop.
Connect to what is immediately available to you: pencils, colours, and resources you already
have. Share company while focusing on the visual qualities of statues, images and relating
your own memories. Participants are encouraged to bring their own small statue to help
them represent the Buddha.
I am a Goddess of the Dance
The Goddess is explored through various dance-forms, with an appreciation for worship,
energy-scripts, stories of manifestation & "the many aspects". The Goddess is also
recognised as sovereign, with connection to other divine sources including the
masculine - explorations of the divine. In dance, the Goddess may be seen 'in' light-aspect,
with a specific function, sensual or with specific symbols, colours, honourings and
object-motifs - be She Greek, Egyptian, African, Indian or from another landscape.
The Goddess may be your own relationship to land, Pacific essence, animal totem or
Giaganyoot is an african light script of elemental lift and graduation that comes in with the sun,
replenishes, charges the land and respects the emergence of 'effervescent energy inter-play'.
I am moving to understand the trajectory and the juncture. Thanks be to Giaganyoot, Sianos
and Hainu.
Access the Educational Breeze Resource on Mudras via the Devotional Calendar.
Saraswati - Wisdom & Serenity Swan
Saraswati is a deity that reflects purity of wisdom and with association to the Arts-led
cultural recognitions of writing, learning, reading and musical appreciation. Saraswati is
imaged with lotus or journeying on river with serene white swan. One of her features is
her veena, as instrument. In this workshop you will develop the scenery and form the
qualities of Saraswati in drawn & painted 2d.
Two Swans reflect each other - I am thankful for the Arc recognitions and Vishnu that guides
Brolga energy. Healing dances through sound and dappled light.
Access the Educational Breeze Resource on Vajrapani & Purification deities via the
Devotional Calendar.
Birds of Paradise - Floral Drench
In this workshop, develop your painting of floral bouquet combinations. We will work
with interlacing structures, and producing figurative strengths. Working with vibrant
colours & ' vibrational colour interests' is the focus of the workshop. Let your feature be
the Bird of Paradise.
Om Mani Padme Hum x 108, We acknowledge the Lotus, the Lilypad, and the root system in
water - All expressions exist as many Hibiscus' honoured, I am thankful for the full kaleidoscope
in nature's beauty.
Animal Totems in Pastel - World Animals - Celestial Blue Workshop
Animal totems cross multiple breaths of interpretation including: the spiritually-invoked
totem, the experience of the spirit totem, or the animal guide (also highly interpreted).
Whatever your gravitation, choose one animal as guiding energy and pictorial focus for
this workshop process, finishing off with a coloured pastel work.
I honour my soul guides and the Snow Leopard as my personal animal totem. I recognise the
4 directional truths, my ' moon script ' (as lunar honouring) and also the Three Spirit truths in
passage as a Healer ( The Hawk, The Bear & the Albatross). May all Animals in totemic aspect
be equally loved, as all people should know love, safety and protection.
This is a Celestial Blue Workshop* that includes a personal reading from Guides.
Energy Ritual painting using Colour - Celestial Blue Workshop
Energy work is multiplicate and with ranging lines to philosophy across individuals, also
specialising practitioners. This workshop is about exploring as an individual your natural
"attunement" to Colour Cognizance & our relational values as we experience them.
You will be supported through an energy ritual that involves the simplicity of
Meditation for Self-recognition. You will create one Colour Work.
Teal Alchemy imbues the Respect for Eldership and Union. Gaia Energy.
Read Energising Spaces with Lights, as part of the Educational Breeze Resources on the
Devotional Calendar.
Crystals & Discovery - Celestial Blue Workshop
During this Workshop we will be working with the enigmatic qualities of Apophollite and
one of our long-time favourites used in classes, Orbicular Jasper. We will be creating
paintings individually. Erin will talk through her appreciation of Rhomboid Lavender Calcite
and how it transfers spiritual connection for the painting process.
Erin believes that all attendees, all people have a strong intuition and recognises the "collective
common" that is conscious development. She believes it occurs with ranging trajectory and
gravitations. Erin is a qualified crystal healer and values how minerals may be integrated with
thoughtful choices into living spaces, on the body and in 'every day experiences for supportive
purpose' : in education, in healing, for sport and for protective release and growth. Crystals are seen
as part of Spiritual care as well as natural connections for creativity and "strengthening" vibration.
There is no competition - instead it's about appreciation & a love of Mineral Intelligence and travelling
with care, always.
Recognise those Hips - Bubbles Workshop
Curves are Gorgeous. And I recognise those Hips!
'Oh my' what a lovely midrift, 'hour-glass' of natural curve ...and shishas (shimmering disks)...
Yalekhta (cue), tribal medallion (cue), and colour fondant 'veil of spice'...(..cue).
Get ready to 'Mobius twist' and Venus a 'diamond repose' in this mixed-media paint of the
hour-glass as Belly Beauty. We will be painting on cotton duck, with lots of colour and other
Gorgeous Embellishments.
This is a 'Bubbles' Workshop* with Goddess platter [ for shishas ].
The Goddess platter includes delicious fresh fruit, cheese, dip & Strawberries.
Join us for Sangria & a zesty-side dessert.
All Bubbles Workshops are supported at a Licensed Venue where alternative beverages
are available. All servers are RSA-approved, and approved Industry 'standard'. This is a
legal feature in Hospitality and Art Providers doing singular workshops of this kind.
This is in contrast to our Community openings at Sienna that are non-alcohol events.
Fur Kids - My Pets are my Love
Whether Canine, Feline, Earth dog or fly-ball, territorial whiskers or wizard,.. the enduring
love and knowing of a Pet never fails. They are treasures; friends and family. Gather your
coloured pencils and inner 'technician' in drawing pursuit to capture your own fur balls on

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Art School & Holistic Care
Professional Art Studio & Art Experiences