This page is currently being Updated 26/01/21
Art School & Holistic Care
Professional Art Studio & Art Experiences
EST. 2015 - Sydney, Australia
Children - Youth - Adults
Celebrating 10 years of Art School
We are Re - Opening in 2026

Erin Kathleen Muir has been sharing her writing as part of online territory and Good Vibrations (since Sienna Art Space's inception in 2014).
Select past articles and more recent content are now part of our glossy Magazine, Naturally Exuberant.
In 2024-25, we CELEBRATE our 10th year of Sienna Art Space and are looking to Celebrate the whole year through.
'Celebrating the Sacred Self' comes up again next year during March 11 - 20. The themes of I am a Sacred Soul and I am a Sacred Soul on a Journey, continue with I have intuition.
Access the new 2024 Breeze Resource on the Devotional Calendar, with 10 Days of activity.

Art Therapy - A solo practice or a shared one?
Like the poignant question, Can art be taught? We have, Is an art therapist needed? It is not clever questioning here or simply questioning for scrutiny - these are Healthy questions.
Art therapy as a system of working, recognises that art is an interface. We are very learned practitioners in the "activity" or 'responding' and 'innovating mark'. What we say to others and ourselves is a layered release and the "sum of the parts" corresponds to what our Soul wants to say. Some of this is artist activity "I show you, I communicate". In other diaphrams for telling, there is talk situations and correspondence situations in which the maker, the artist reveals relevant information from their Soul. I speak, it speaks, the situation is speaking.
Both of these situations are necessary experiential engagements in which the Artist participates in self acknowledgement or drawing attention to soul-speak. Art is one way to release you from judgement and comparison, allows you to see your creation as a detached or attached recognition of your soul. It is a relationship for illuminating space concepts and bigger ones, and to challenge as well as represent emotions, deep hurts and cognitions.
Art-as-therapy is a profound territory for self recognition and release, and may include no relationship of counsellor or therapist. In order to be called therapy its core functioning in process is to heal.
Diagrams and storytelling have the impact of releasing ideas and programs, as well as fostering a structure through which we can self-represent and thus express verbally your experience.
What a role Art has to play, if we can 'edge out the fabric of our soul' into the weaving of these scripts? The Artist becomes a storyteller of their own soul awarenesses and currents. Recognising the spiritual quest to better understand and identify not just in archetypes, but 'whole bodified drawings', seeing the true self - the authentic being as if felt and yearning to be seen in art.
Soul-based Art therapy recognises the spiritual fabric while working with a range of methods, relevant to 1-on-1 and group scenarios for healing.

The Colour Education Kit for Conscious Parents & Conscious Teens is now available to download on the Bio page.

Emu Dreaming &
the stars
Dreams are ‘constructed consciousness’, and have the quality of being collected and not collectable; hard to grasp. Dreams are an energy both in our nocturnal journeying or day respite, shallow and more in depth cognitions for energy unravelling. Dreams are also those created projections of more abstract content and [real] configurations housed within couchable achievement.
How do we grapple with the luxury of a dream?
How do we understand the operational content – flexible, weaving, and distinct?
Knowing is relative perception, making itself understood through created landscapes of cultural storytelling. We lend our observation’s focus to drawing knowing from those divinational constructs, either projected, projecting, or both simultaneously. This abstraction lies in the reveal through the stars, seeing spaces as opportunity currents and offering depth, truth and alignment.
The Emu breathes through the space between the stars.
All writings may not be Copied. Erin Kathleen Muir
Chapter 3 embraces the energies of The Eagle, the Emu and the Guinea Fowl, as part of Art programming for Studio. The eagle governs direction and insight, the emu, dreaming, and the Guinea Fowl: Soul knowing and ancestral roots. [ I know, I dream, I navigate ].
Emotional Goals
A Closer Look at
Transmutation & Transformation
Intentional Healing is a significant attribute for those aware of their journey.
It is one thing to be on a path with an enthusiasm and invested insight, rather than the same path with a different emotional gearing.
An ‘aware’ practitioner constructs vision and ascertains direction by forwarding motion, with particular ideas, imputs and outcomes in mind.
We create with emotional goals. Practical attainment relies on an understanding of two important key concepts and arrival awarenesses.
Transmutation, referring to alchemical change recognizes a completely new state based on configurations from the outset and new ‘inputs’ ( conditioning ).
Transformation, referring to new recognitions refers to composite contributes that configure small to large changes. Implied is an
integral shift stage for growth, called into action by the arrival of some ‘timely’ phase.
Whether similar or conferring to an equivalent, each are valuable healing scenarios or mandatory exposures to life.
How does this apply to Creativity?
We birth ‘new’ and rebirth ‘old’, ‘passing’ and ‘transient’ contributes in passage frequently that they tidal and tumble. Output is the generative like a tumble-weed of contextual composites yielding new form.
These are some common Energies to work with:
Developing trajectories lends itself to Grasshoppers, and also suggested familiarity with efficiency. In order for he emotional jump to be efficient, it requires strong fluency and technique ( optimum realization in technique ), In order for the flame to inspire resonance and transmute old into new, their needs to be an awareness of not just refresh but current relevancy in phase. The above key words help to support energy movement, a bit like the invocation of the Phoenix that seasons and rebirths.
Working energetically with words is a form of ‘energy work’. We state the intention to focus, hone in on and meditate on the qualities of
Consider how you can build your competency and realisations at work when indulging practically with words.
In practice, to what extent do you transform?
In practice, to what extent do you need to transmute energy?
These are relevant questions for all Creatives ( keeping in mind that we all create in a multitude of ways ).

‘Life Direction & Personal Sovereignty’ Manifestation Exercise
Appreciations – Holistic Creative Living
The following Holistic Discovery activity is based on a combination of affirmations, energy work for awareness and involves intuitive listening.
Since the premise and functioning of affirmations has been outlined previously in the Manifestation activity for Emotional Prosperity & Transformative Change, here I will outline the energy framework as an introduction and also the awareness activity that we phrase as intuitive listening.
The chakral system at the streamlined seven, support our awareness for earth and sky expressive energy. Each ‘chakra’ or wheel relates to one’s personal overall health – on an emotional level, intellectual level, psychological level and physical level. In psychic sensing, we utilise our knowledge of energy to discuss our framework for health, thus attributing the senses as part of that foundation.
The following words are associated with each of the below Earth chakras:
The Base Chakra – foundation, protection, safety, grounding, security
The Sacral Chakra – creativity, birthing, reproduction, sexual instinct, growth, expression
The Solar Plexus – personal power, self-esteem, control, sovereignty, feelings & emotion
These, you may register as the “themes” of each energy centre.
For this activity, draw your hands as “sensing gloves” / receptive interface. Your palm chakras will be used to actively read the energy of each of your chakras ( base, sacral, solar plexus) during the invitation of stating each affirmation, in sequence.
First, bring your hands approximately 25 cm apart and resting above your solar plexus.
State out loud:
“I am a sovereign soul. I am in control” on repeat for about 5 minutes.
Then progress your hands to your sacral chakra for another 2, then lastly progress to your base chakra and affirm (chant) on repeat for another 2.
As you progress through each chakra and chant, process the following with intention:
The hearing of your words; their meaning and message to you.
Your emotion and thoughts as you chant, keeping track of associations, etcetera.
The feeling energetically in your body
The feeling energetically beyond body, which may be the reception you feel between your hands.
Then repeat the following Affirmations for the Solar Plexus. Reading through each one 3times and move onto the next in the series. When you have done this, repeat the same process for the Sacral, and then the Base.
I am a sovereign soul. I am in control.
I make certain choices, and I action the necessary milestones for my goals.
I am strong, creative, and alive – I am willing to take risks in the form of action to explore my growth.
I yield from positive statements to self.
I am wealthy, healthy and with faith in the greater divine consciousness.
I ascertain the right direction for me based on instinct, my core values and emotional pull.
I make considered decisions, statements and projections.
I invite into my world pleasure, what I need and positive constructs for growth.
I am an adult, with ability to inform my next stage of growth, with intention.
I am forever young; growing into my youth.
I feel protected, self-assured, resilient.
Consideration goes into how we Respond to statements and how our body and energy respond to the statements. The net of influence is in substantially communicated through the physical and may be understood as clairsentience.
While reflecting across the repeat of each statement, consider
Which words, phrases stimulate dis-ease or a feeling of uneasy.
Which statements allign or flow well.
As you intellectualise, it is important to feel for your responses.
Art Process – A Look at Creativity
The Creative Artist – Materiality, aesthetics & visual culture
This article is about the features of ‘connective flow’ in Art Process, as it relates to cross-medium creations [including Fine Art for gallery display and / or simple art journeying, that is all Artists in creatorship & Joy –acquisition / joy embodiment.
Our Structural view to Shaping our allignment to end-point in Art is that we exist in [Design Orientation]
⦁ We plan methodically and discern step appreciations to organize a relationship to achieving end- potential.
⦁ We also work sequentially if unplanned and this embodies an series of encounters that individualise or characterize what some would call the ‘unique journey or encounter’. The line is trackable.
“Channel aspect”
Our energetic self may reveal appreciations throughout that operate across Mind-Body-Intentional focuses but do not preclude the Soul Vibrational conferencing, that is esoteric & “with Spirit”, and in, acknowledgement.

⦁ The Artist as natural channel : recognizes
-Physical automation, ‘the automatic drawer’
Mediumistic Talk territory ( We communicate with Spirit )
-Fluid gravitations ( spirited, clair cognizant, auric inheritance & encouragement, guidance, mentorship and interferences ).
-We are “collective soul body operative”.
The Organic precinct is environmentally – understood & energy-led, if only individually stated availability to person – observed self recognition.
⦁ The relationship of “open”, “drift orientation” and “redirection” are consciously intended for any Practitioner who wishes to align with Organic territory.
⦁ As an intention – it is an appreciation that this “ethos” to practice be conceived naturally as part of what we do or end up carrying out sequentially.
⦁ We invite with welcomed digressions, spills and playful territory to journey. Our outcomes may vary with unexpected (or expected cognitive endpoint).
Thresholds & Passageways II : Emotional Prosperity & Soul-aspect Healing is a Sienna Art Space Holistic resource that will be available in the future for purchase.
Enrolments for The Art Filament ( Diploma and Certificate courses by distance) reopen in September, for 2024 commencement.
The Tactile Arts enhance Practice
Let’s maintain an appreciation for the Tactile Arts – It’s “hands on” strength with materials in drawing and painting. With an awareness for the figurative, it’s important to not deny growth that occurs with primal, essence-conscious learning, in a technology-emphasised world.
Foundational processes and exploration enhance Practice.
While the supportive conferencing of technology has it’s charm for production, pace and interface (surfacing) – there is rich value in appreciation for what material essences can do and our voyage passage in exploring their capacity.
Energetically, we are Intention-based Soul Seekers and voyagers – A definite focus for the Fine Artist involves pure acts, using the hands, and recognizing experimentation as significant.
Confidence comes with a rich 'knowing' for how to attain colour, execute intended techniques and work with dimensions to one's vision or developing vision ongoing.

Being conscious and journeying recognitions means something different for everyone.
I relate. I enquire.
I don’t relate. I don’t enquire.
I appreciate. I listen & I think.
I resist knowledge. I resist experiences.

What is a Conscious Person?
A Conscious Person is an individual whom recognizes awareness is part of growth and being essentially connected. They are a person who hopes to be aware of their vibration and the vibration of others.
For a Conscious Person being ‘Essentially connected’ means
( i ) Seeing Vibrations with Impact.
In practice
Through Actions
Social thought
( ii ) It also means View to change & Action
Without slotting into categories, Climatisation & Vibrational pathways play a large role in how we understand ‘consciousness’. As we learn, as we encounter, the distribution and time-apparent developments or shifts are with our own prioritisations in life.
Conscious People have emphasized awareness at different times of their day, week, and with events, cycles and with arising topics.
We all Cultivate the mind, in various ways.
We may express the systematic action of sweeping and yielding naturally or through adjusted program-work. I sweep. I yield growth-potential.
We may be involved in inner dialogues for dissolving conflicts. I action respect.
We are all Consciously aware of our Vibration ( For example: anger ). I maintain positivity.
What is an Alignment Strategist?
Supportive pathways recognize positive potentials.
Can you connect the most immediate recognitions that are achievable?
Symbology is visual culture, action movements and operate through
vibrational cues. Some of these are relevant to the dimensional scope
and depth of dialogue inherent in Conscious discussion ( With the self
and with communities).


The items below have been selected as they are strengtheners for ‘moving-through-ceremonies’.
Some people need to bless their own progress, with “freedom's expression”. They feel the need to reclaim and establish grounds for reawakening what is important to them. This is a light-hearted, quiet process that can be done in the space of your own backyard or a park. A light breeze is a bonus. Some of you may even like to do it at the beach.
Authentic Soul Work has no singular category as it entails passage ( personal ) and also involves ‘work’, that is implied practice so as to overcome challenges or make clarity a feature for journeying and understanding.
What is it to be authentic?
Anyones true-claim to identity is self-affirming and we attribute our own meanings. We identify, we state are conscious-ness. Authenticity involves a process of attained meaning that can be journaled and assessed based on personal criteria. I believe I am authentic. I believe my understandings around who I am recognizes I have come to that discovery.
The call to simply get to know Lemon Chrysoprase does not involve championing of the stone. Often at times, various stones may be used to invigorate the energy and thus enhance subtle knowledge in our disposition. Reading the energy through the third eye ( yellow light- green light), opposed to reading through the physical position of stone placement on the heart is encouraged as an exercise to get to know the wave of the crystal ( one is sufficient, in raw or tumbled form). Feelings surface intuitively as a result of various crystals and lemon chrysoprase supports the dissolve of challenging energy in getting through ones process for change. We also 'process' the energy.
You can lie down and place the crystal on your third eye ( middle of forehead ) for 4 minutes and then remove. Work with breathing and quiet, with the intention of removing obstacles. * Those wishing to not work with Chrysoprase may like to substitute with clear quartz or a harmonising stone like green aventurine.
After, place Chrysanthemums in a small bag or small bowl ( 5 chrysanthemums is plenty ) and a tiny bag of Elderflowers. The bag can be inhaled for the benefit of the chrysanthemums and carried with you in your bag or wallet.
Work with the energies of both, until you are ready to release old conflict. This could be when you go for a walk, or visit a peaceful place. Take a small satchel of just elderflowers. This is a simple ceremony of ‘letting go’ elderflowers at a space, release ‘on the breeze’ any filming causes, attachments to issues, and stating the intention to move on.
Strengthening is an important part of sequencing in any work with herbs, crystals and other natural connections. Please note this activity is without use of specific symbolic work, deity honouring and site-specific calling. I don’t deny that all natural existences are connected to the above but we are emphasizing personal growth through natural energies not divination. Emphasis is a key learning in any traditional working practices and thus pure-attribution for all work needs to be to considered.
To read more about Resonance and Colour visit the Educational Breeze resources on the Devotional Calendar Celestial Blue & the psyche, Lilac Resonance.
Moon - awareness - Meet the Moon
The moon exists as a constant force – referential in nature and corresponding.
It’s ‘constant nature’ is feature. It communicates meaning as an existing formation – ‘I am reliable’.
In this world we correspond and we seek out mirrors, references and “ritualise our relativity”. The moon
serves as a reminder, that we are part of an experience. The sun also is a permeation that makes itself
understood. It reminds us of the awakening of our day and it’s nearing end, with the turning of the earth
(rotation). Shifting lightscape and moon constancy help us to live in earth space.
We can affirm the energy of the moon by firstly recognizing the above.
Working with the moon element, brings into one’s attention features of strength:
I believe in the power of the moon, sun and earth. I praise each.
I see value in observing and siting the moon daily.
I am witness to present circle; reliant, constant, lasting presence.
I correspond to know my own energy, aware of greater forces that allow for life. Thank you.
I am indigenous to Australia, on earth. I know the energy of myself, on land, and in time.
This is ___(date). It is a _____moon at ____ (time). ( Moon timing- Soul knowing )
Exercise: Explore being more ‘with the moon’ through going outside at night to witness
it, as in the stars and night sky in general.Read more with our Moon-awareness Meditation
in one of our Naturally Exuberant Magazines.
If you liked this article, you may also like on the Devotional Calendar - the following
Breeze resources Navigating Circle Archetypes, The Solstice & The Equinox, and

Conscious Relationships and Visual Culture is the focus of our upcoming Education Kit for Conscious Parents & Conscious Teens. As Community, you may participate in visiting the Colour Exuberance Exhibition for more information.

Words are expressive terrain. Words make up our speech, our composed for mental speech, mental sends, written word compositions, audio, podcasts, sound in video, music and all things visual text.
How do you use text for positive build?
How do you use words to raise vibration?
How do you incorporate ritual and maintain ideas/emotions/thought frameworks through words as visual text?
How do you speak, sing, feel?
Words make the World Lighter Month is about building consciously and recognising how we interact with words. Let purpose be a driving force for your use of words.
On the Devotional Calendar, there are a few resources to get you started.
Its Words make the World Lighter Month.
7th Jan to 7th Feb, 2024

Manifestation with Sun & Moon Energy
' Emotional Prosperity & Tranformative Change '
Appreciations – Holistic Creative Living

In our Studio Space there are a select number of water bowls ( or Energy bowls) used for the purpose of honouring and blessing. Particularly, to support environmental energy maintenance utilizing positive affirmation work as a patterned cycle with “lift” and energy setting in view.
The Energy bowls operate on the consciousness and philosophical viewpoint that water is a generator of liquid transference & we can observe vibrational shift as a consequence of moderating & intentional “sending” vibrational information. With this is in mind, intention is understood verbally, accompanied by perhaps song, prayer and mantra, thus impacting the room or adjoining spaces.
The positive affirmations are experienced as a ‘ritual’ and with that the qualities of the vessel (be it a home stout, pitcher or pond ( “well-like” structure ) we can exist in what may be seen naturally and with incidents, an instrument or corresponding connection to self & environment, in divination process. It is effectively a patterned instrument (intelligent, energetically maintained & with a subtle impact vibration).
Various “energy bowls” containing substances may be moderated for duration, purpose and aims. The qualities of the vessel attribute meaning in process (they naturally communicate as a sculptural formation and also with intentional use, vibrationally).
With a Pitcher, we pour as a form of filling to then “offer”, rejoining each time as patterned, repeated formation and with hospitality. It may be seen as a blessing awareness as in puja rituals such Hindu connection or many other faiths. The stout in Christian connection for E.g., may connect to ‘holy waters’ and ‘blessed in creatorship’ (holy scripture & the psalms are part of the process to divinely align the water, then used individually by worshippers / patrons of the Church who upon entering as formal service or church building, mark the signs of the cross, connecting in personal and shared congregation. The stout has become in varied forms a home-centered connection in and outside of faith relationships, with an alignment circumstance (that conditions the appreciation & tempers – how it is appreciated. The last, as pond or well is used, and with collection (‘offering of a coin, a ‘wish may be made to a deity or in aligned purpose ) with intentional thought scape. The action is a singular action that carries a vibration for change – willing.
There are a series of terms that can be used Individually and appreciated, with perspectival juncture. The three terms are: Divination, Manifestation & Affirmations. Each are seen as “Principled Engagements” and embody their own Philosophies which we may /could interact with purpose, utilizing the vessel of the energy bowl (across structures) and also connecting to the vibrational source offering of water.
Water, being a “liquid” vibration that is understood to scientifically shift state vibration and comes from the collected sky sourcing [extracted] or collected for focused, intention “meditative build”. How we perceive and value the source adds to the connection understanding value –based appreciation of “water”. ( Gratitude )
The ‘Intention Setting’ for each Ritual Bowl may connect to any of the three or with personal philosophy exists across the Vibrational threshold.
Honouring & Blessings
Affirmation ( Positive Statement, phrase or self-selected archetype used in connection with..)
Every person can look at prayer, patterned, honouring & affirmation work. When there is an alignment to ‘divine concepts’, a greater supportive consciousness or a god-centered purpose – then the ‘action’ with purpose is seen as a formation with divinatory cognition. For some, an affirmation may sit in the zone of “appreciation”, “positive space for maintaining wellness, equilibrium and increasing motivation.”
The Philosophical intentions behind Manifestation may be more mind-centered and or with divine attribution. A manifestation may incorporate the words, phrases or “engagement statements” as Affirmations.
Many people believe in “directed consciousness” and “aligning themselves through ‘attractive currents’. Simultaneously, Divination works on the duality of [current – centering ] and ‘The Law of Attraction’ stating [projective consciousness].
Most people recognise environmental situation in it’s inter-connected dynamic landscape and how this may not necessarily disconnect ‘us’ from purpose but may imbue the landscape with perhaps : blocks, oppositions and vibrational confrontation.
In manifesting, there is acknowledgment for also ‘current, positive gratitude in circumstance and ‘situational zen’. It however is not mindfulness in the pure philosophy of “we sit in the now”. We address instead projected aims.
Our ‘goal-driven aims’ may not come with a ‘guaranteed-seed to fruition-seal’ but with motivation, motivation, motivation and increased positively loaded direction, we can train our patterned availability to emotional – mental strength. This is a ‘behavioural neuro-science and without precluding divination, focused intention (using honouring spirit appreciation and respectfully engaging with naturally abundant vibrational prompts ).
Motivation is very much ‘individually cultivated formation work’. Think of the wave – construct as ‘continuous, promising and with image-centered (future presence). The visualization is an important part of the construction (pictorial representation – in view).
To envision change, with grounding and protective procurement (psychically), enables purity in natural gravitation towards self-directed aims with reduced interferences. This connects to the ethos that ‘we are of gentle requirement and assertive-belief set – it is possible, with potential [in the availability to the common good for all in this life – landscape, karmically].
A vision construct may include: energetic fixtures, co-efficient symbology archetypal connection. The pictorial cuing may energetically build on elemental appreciations such as: colour, texture, shape. This is similar to Altar connection whereby the pictorial connection may be: a Saint honoured, religious figure/animal energy or “positive re-enforcer”.
The following exercise recognizes the humble vibrational water bowl as a "holder, storer & mover of “conscious word formation” that may fill with immersive positive consciousness in environmental space.
It embodies appreciation for current processing that we all must ‘work through’ with pragmatism and an awareness of our circumstances may overcome with projected intentional threats in established, empowered, educated terrain.
Suggests Growth Statements require honour rapport to establish our [willing] Emotional prosperity, shaping, motivation & releasing / or overcoming & personally – developed blocks to Shift Potential.
Recognises Crystals (Minerals) as Vibrational energy for both (shift states) (1,2,..) and how each may play a tangible and aligned connection to promoting energy – with tandem Affirmations.
The Affirmations are value-statements in the 2 –stage build that fosters firstly ‘Emotional Prosperity’ and also connects secondary attributes that are Working towards (future attainments), the ‘Transformation we wish to project to’.
Recognises Patterned activation, positive reinforcement, ‘repetition’ and alignment strength.
You may like to buy 1 crystal tumble ( or an cabochon as a flatter palm stone) in Sunstone and 1 Botswana agate & then consider these as ‘active water connections’ or as palm-consorts.
Tumbles or cabochons can be placed in the palm-receptors with attribution given to the body-energy. Left-palm is implied (coming in, some ones connected feminine energy – receiving and the right-palm (going into with awareness, flow state, in personal energy).
This sees the energy as a retained – flow sequence, a circular flow appreciation whereby the meditation connection & thus in ‘build’ is field understood. Variation may include palms- over-the-heart, whereby you consider your body-engagement ( as well as emotional loading ) when working with chakral energy.
Begin with Sunstone and the following Emotional Prosperity statements:
I respond to that which saddens me, angers me & also in control of my solitude, my approach to people.
I shape my own capacity to grow & pave that role of existence.
I see myself blessed with nature, with relationships & a body that breathes for me & allows me to experience the joys of life.
The statements recognise emotional states, bellow self-government, motivation is personally birthed, and emphasises gratitude.
While connecting to the action – waves and projecting image- visualization & ensure to see the echo as an available circumstance, in grace energy.
The Botswana Agate tumble ( or cabochon ) works on the vibrational passage in divinational passage whereby ‘birthing’ is propelled in devotional sun-aspect. It regrets no opposition to evolutionary construct – formation build that is source orientation. The Sunworshipper may be as gracious as Giaganyoot (divine energy) together with formation-appreciation that is African-land (blessed with rhythm) in womb dance, land energy & rhythm journeying. The balance exists in the quiet connection that is also Moon energy appreciation. The banding like arcs are evidence of built in-growth appreciations created overt. Elliptical-spin technology is a part of cosmic build and we – may emphasise as “divinators” that “drawing to me” energy.
Using Botswana Agate and the following Tranformative Change statements:
I release all thought patterns that do not serve me.
I embrace the challenges that come with adversity, fear & new experience.
I see myself ready to explore my dreams ( I visualize), understand yearnings and wishes).
I am in rhythm, with my universe and bring forward change.
I will in positive responses to my world, my vibe attracts my response.
The [Lush examination] sees “evergreen” promise as a Visualised Reality and the Projection is a natural bequest immediacy in thought & heart alignment.
“I am” is “embodied realism” as empowered consciousness – not over powering & identify flow as echo cognition forwards believable, (perceivable new beginnings). Hopefully, these ignition principles support you in [sensing] quality prosperity & strength alignment coming out of any current dynamic thresholds (ideas of future self). Good luck.
Remember to engage with your positive alignment daily.
Some other suggestions for water bowl engagement may include looking at vibrational formation work using words such as – song, singing & hymns as prayers. Let these water “feel the feel-goods” permeate through. As previously mentioned, the Flower of Life can be utilised as seed consciousness and radial star alignment for working with Positive only energy. See the Devotional Calendar for an introductory insight into how The Flower of Life may be perceived (The article is called Constellation Weaves ).
Check out the Moon-awareness Meditation in one of our Naturally Exuberant Magazines.

Energy Architecture & 'Activity' Balance

Before reading this article, you may benefit by going to the Devotional Calendar and doing the activity on Elemental Balance.
( This activity is just one of the Educational Breeze Resources available as part of 'Lanterns, Lights & Star Appreciations' period from 12 July to 15 December )
As Individuals, we are:
Content-focused. ( We are prioritised on..)
Activity-based. ( We perform functions )
Further, we are:
Environmentally-correspondent. ( We attend places & live in them )
Socially-empathetic. ( We interact )
Occupying Cultured spaces of Synergy simply through activity & attendance. ( We interact with objects / architecture )
Within an diarised period, it Is a good energy task to reflect and explore how much of our activity is focused on situational tasks and also our scope to functioning.
For example, exploration may involves: reflecting on 3 hours and what processes ( or functions were performed ). Making a list of all the types of things allows us to connect our "processing truths" and established Energy climate-patterns. That is, ‘I didn’t realise I was spent an appreciation of time focusing on ‘X’..’ or ‘I am very much connecting to certain processes and not others... ( Recognitions).
A strategy for Reflective review may include seeing oneself in video-replay to do a quick analysis of what has occurred.
Reflection involves: getting to the energy awareness of
Time spent on: I spend a lot of time on X.. and not a lot of time on Y..
Aware focus on: I am aware of what I do when I am doing it..
Preoccupations: I seem to gravitate to X and not Y..
What is Balance?
Some people are scripted on Scale-ologies ( Scales ) and focus on prioritisations, power awareness and dominance. They are aware of complimentary pairs that ignite awareness for contrast and values. It is good to be aware of our scales and how we distribute our attentions. ( Anchors ). Balance is not necessarily ‘ equal distribution’. It looks at efficiency, that is energy efficiency and role-recognitions in daily activity or how we function to serve purpose or participate in an archetypal schema.
We tend to be driven by focused content in our daily roles. ( Mother role, father role that we fulfil, a staff role we fulfil, student capacity, or in another task-orientation or through role-bearing). That content is focused prioritisation, and will involve certain ‘ activity’ at the epicentre of all doing to fulfill the task or prioritisations required. We also fulfil a variety of ‘hats’ and govern individual sentiments when we are in down time from official roles.
Consider your anchors in activity ( whether it is a Physical activity like tapping the leg nervously or standing to move to do tasks). Note how long you move for and how long. This is Physical Body task-work, even if only incidental and while placing most ‘aware’ interest in performing another function ). The other function might be analytical, but it also might be very emotional. The emphasis is thus a series of emphasis within your landscape ( Your Personal Landscape ).
We tend to simplify these according to individual activity that is Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual. Like “incidence” in the Elemental Balance activity consider your focuses and how your Landsape of a Person ( in 4 quadrants ) this time would look across a passage of time if many dots were allocated to activity focuses.
If you were a mechanic focused on cars, the content focuses and activity based functioning throughout the day would bear certain energy priorities and role-bearing connection. Further, the correspondence would be socially-operative and cultured space in clients, cars and mechanic-related allignments. You are also a Mechanic, acquired awareness gives way to supporting improved balance and Congruence for future balance.
Here are a list of Functions to get you considering your energy: These are more generalised and you could look at micro-description of your own functions within shorter spaces of time.
Talking with others
Physical Movement
Sitting Awareness
Moving between zones
Idiosyncratic Body movements
Mindful body appreciation
Various Emotions
Temper & Counterbalancing
When looking at the Self ( to recognise patterns and preocupations) be aware also that our individualised focuses exist sometimes as Mirrors and reflective-consciousness as a result of our Climatisation in environments and others in their own patterns in these spaces.
It is worthwhile to acknowledge how Anchors and other peoples Anchor's can be aware Tugglewars through energy architecture. While the term tugglewar may suggest struggle it may also imply generalised Relativities and required disconnection as a result of coinciding. This places us in awareness for how our Energy is distributed. Like the “thread” that exists for all correspondence and encounters, release from what may be visualised as an actual thread reminds us of how circumstance is “busy activity” even within a short period of time.
If you take a moment to reflect on 'Post-Its' and the formiddable adhesive. This clever technology as a certain kind of adhesive,recognises that it can peel away and then re-stick (well). Post Its are Intelligent by Design. As in the threads, we have to understand connection points and how our Energy is operating, how we bind (like glue or with ribbon) and are intertwined.
See the Working with the Elements tab for a Free Resource on Cutting Cords & Sacred Knowing.

Helping others
Touching or Using shared devices, objects, spaces
Connecting to shared symbols, emblems, insignia / logos
Visiting sites

Art activates Well-being
Art yields growth.
Art activates Wellbeing.
There are a number of profits involved naturally as we create in the
artmaking process:
Soothing Interaction with both colour and greyscale art experiences.
Release expression through a variety of forms ( dry and wet media ) and expressive techniques ( fast and slow impact-art as modalities )
Output orientations are offered in a studio atmosphere ( where activations are a ‘sensory experiences’ – digestible, thoughtful and purposeful ).
Draw and paint experiences are apparent sensory acquisitions for wellbeing.
Development is with each therapeutic release. It is focused on gravitations, for the benefit of wellbeing.
We express a dialogue to facilitate identity surface relationships, to shift stagnant energy and unresolved ‘dreamings’.
Journalling as output connection – the art allows us to birth those dreamings and clears the pathway blocks to expressive territory.
Those who discuss their soul-honesty proactively and positively increase growth. Those who activate the throat chakra and the heart and sacral awareness have success episodes, through every action whereby they recognise wellbeing in sequence. We commonly call this expression.
Artists who also share discussion, activate social climate positively form positive relationships with their ego and also soul-response in community-activity. ( I express, he/she expresses, we share expression ).
Artists who develop a rapport with multiple modes of connection to practice benefit. Any artist who also exercises and grounds, generates increased wellbeing.
Questions to ask yourself:
Do blocks exist in my expression?
Do I converse about my art with others, as well as make it?
Do I generate opportunity to be in a holistic framework of studio practice?
Have I balanced my Art recreation with other wellbeing pursuits?
Expression can be one of the most challenging aspects to living a Healthy Life. Art is a wonderful key to exploring expression and it is important to consolidate with what generates expressive release for us on an energetic level, as a social experience and as an active, conscious practice.

I love that. I love that too. I love that. I love that more, now. And I still love that. Again, I love that. Such is love conscious painting and drawing.
At Art School, we tend to love things. We exist in a space of love and it is not overated. We exist in grounded mentality, with an appreciation for all the physical world, it’s matter and design intelligence.
Art teaches us about vibration. Whether we are naturally ‘invoking’ colour vibrations into our world, as imbued colour therapy or through establishing a wave, that recognizes what we are holding onto.
Conscious painting may be understood without even a focus on intuition, legitimaisation and schema. We drive to understand synergy and contrast as a conversation in our own process. This is a form of [not] therapy or therapeutic digest, release or soul process – it is more intellectual-emotional focus & an attainment in journey that allows us to appraise our energy at any given time.
I love that.
Each vibration waves for thinking-feeling landscapes.
I take out the most loved pokemon from a full toy box that was loved so much. Clairsentience is vibrational appreciation, that is inherent soul dialogue in many cultural works of a religious nature. The Spirituality of a child is understood through what it energetically expresses gratitude for. This is Love energy.
When making art, it is a modality to create positively, not just be creative.
I create positively. I am not just creative.
Love Conscious
Painting & Drawing
Splendour through acquired looking and experience resides with a love of energy for colour spectrum and nuance, as well as form.
It is an common remark of Artists – ‘they are romantic about their colours’. Each artistic practitioner that enjoys and admires, gives out appreciation ‘waves’, subconsciously.

Energy Combing &
Manjushri Blessings
What are Inner Resources?
An individual possesses an innate series of tendencies and unlimited potential. How we realise our strengths and capacities may only be constricted by our ability to purposefully develop and thus explore simply our immediate resources.
Why do I need to go out and acquire something new, if I can re-ascribe meaning and attribute value to something already in my resource circumference?
Why do I need to reconnect to something old and familiar to move forward? Perhaps the digestion is already familiar rehearsal strength, patterned to climate and facilitates growth as a milestone to the next stage?
Everybody deserves fulfilment.
Any encouragement for someone else as solidarity for a commendable change is prosperous. We support growth and we get behind growth, so all may benefit. This allows us to kaleidoscope in fulfillment. If we are all happy, as a result, we are wise then to encourage prospect for individual potentials.
Wisdom is the matured availability of kind souls participating in encouragement.
We all contribute to stories of wisdom.
The Importance of Wishing Well for people continues to be a significant feature Post third-wave. Energy Building has been a feature of past articles, with an appreciation for energy protection. We build our own energy in the awareness, so self care is very much fueled by those significant relationships - vibrating higher and building a climate of positivity for which we can all share. If you are interested in some of these strategies, see the Devotional Calendar. An emphasis is given to the Holistic Arts, cultural and religious protection, visual protection and energetic principles. Appreciating what the World has to offer across Cultures. Enjoy!
As we move towards Holistic Care, we hold onto the Core Art School, as well as Holistic Arts foundations in expressive arts.
Kindred Soul traits
Kindred Soul Relationships exist in every body’s life. Perhaps you can identify many Kindred souls in your world?
There are a few feature traits to people that allow these kinds of identifications to be met:
Collective Commons
Whether you are connected or meet in friendly terms, ‘themes’, desires and certain interests are shared ( “ in common” ). Often the interest and identification of soul pursuits can become a bond between people or with unhealthy correspondence, an ego-war may arise reflected in competition. It is worthwhile having confidence in seeing the other person as a mirror – a reflection from the ‘same plume’. Collective commons generally can be celebrated and whilst not a ‘soul exercise’, the meeting points allow for an appreciation of others and how all can contribute to shared-fulfilments. Kindred souls generally move together, sincerely.
Paired Reflections
It is not uncommon for duos to form boldly as partners with different ‘creative context’. Fluidly, they participate in bouncing off each other till some of the other’s characteristics become blended – both phasing in and out of each other. These pairings reflect great support partnerships and exist harmoniously. Differences ultimately challenge us and fulfil alignment scenarios need. Differences between eachother recognize what we are not and allow opportunity to treasure those positive qualities and strengths in others. From which, we grow.
This is a great period of the year to revisit kindling and seasoning, as it was revealed in dynamics throughout the year. It is also an important period to reflect on ‘creative relationships’, including actual relations ( people and their value in our worlds) : familial, friends, community and common-local-extended circuit.

Art and Intelligence
Intelligence is our recognized strengths in the areas of: emotion, mental awareness & processing, social ability and physiological capabilities. Everyone has Intelligence.
We have Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Cognitive Intelligence and Physical skills Intelligence.
How does this apply to art?
Since art is a voyage and is concerned with process, processing and outcomes, and further to that outcome response and dialogue, profiling and navigation – we can focus on reflection, development and refining our aptitude and delivery.
Questions to ask oneself: By reflecting on our various Intelligences, actions and current process, we develop better formation.
Emotional Intelligence –
What emotions drive and give momentum to practice?
What emotions motivate you to explore certain themes.
How do I respond to my art throughout my journey?
Social Intelligence –
How am I limited or impacted by commentaries and conversation?
What role does socialization and the climate of spirit have on creation?
Mental Intelligence –
What preoccupations do you focus on?
What systems or processes do you enjoy?
Physical Skills Intelligence –
What scripts are built into making that are common or done well.
Reflect on Technical Sophistication.
What kinds of activity have you mastered and also need more time to develop.
Self-development is a life-long journey. Intelligence is Sensibility for practice and is part of our sacred well. Everyone deserves to feel good in their practice.
Art Therapy - A solo practice or a shared one?
Like the poignant question, Can art be taught? We have, Is an art therapist needed? It is not clever questioning here or simply questioning for scrutiny - these are Healthy questions.
Art therapy as a system of working, recognises that art is an interface. We are very learned practitioners in the "activity" or 'responding' and 'innovating mark'. What we say to others and ourselves is a layered release and the "sum of the parts" corresponds to what our Soul wants to say. Some of this is artist activity "I show you, I communicate". In other diaphrams for telling, there is talk situations and correspondence situations in which the maker, the artist reveals relevant information from their Soul. I speak, it speaks, the situation is speaking.
Both of these situations are necessary experiential engagements in which the Artist participates in self acknowledgement or drawing attention to soul-speak. Art is one way to release you from judgement and comparison, allows you to see your creation as a detached or attached recognition of your soul. It is a relationship for illuminating space concepts and bigger ones, and to challenge as well as represent emotions, deep hurts and cognitions.
Art-as-therapy is a profound territory for self recognition and release, and may include no relationship of counsellor or therapist. In order to be called therapy its core functioning in process is to heal.
Diagrams and storytelling have the impact of releasing ideas and programs, as well as fostering a structure through which we can self-represent and thus express verbally your experience.
What a role Art has to play, if we can 'edge out the fabric of our soul' into the weaving of these scripts? The Artist becomes a storyteller of their own soul awarenesses and currents. Recognising the spiritual quest to better understand and identify not just in archetypes, but 'whole bodified drawings', seeing the true self - the authentic being as if felt and yearning to be seen in art.
Soul-based Art therapy recognises the spiritual fabric while working with a range of methods, relevant to 1-on-1 and group scenarios for healing.
Build your ‘Affirmation space’
with Systematic viewpoints
This is a great exercise for Students of all kinds as well as their Supportive family members and partners.
Creating your own affirmations is for self-directed currents.
A Current is a formation that anticipates, regulates and reflects intentional alignments. A Current wants to be directed over time.
At times we lose our energy investment, whilst amid a system of ‘competitive’ driving forces. To avoid this, we need to maintain our empowerment and fuel up. If words filled a room for every unsaid, thought and feeling – we can begin to imagine the cycles of what kind of ‘substance as energy’ is fueling our spaces ( the good and the bad ).
When Fueling up on the good stuff and ‘importing’ that wisdom into spaces, be careful to always use your own affirmations and be self directed. If you’re always profiting from someone else’s energy, you miss out on being the best version of yourself.
While gaining inspiration from Inspirational Key-note speakers, and indulging in the wisdom of insight from role models is also great. Be careful not to over-indulge in reference-aspect.
To move in Cycle, complete the pattern.
To generate, create a new motif. Then reflect on personal meanings.
Often we get stuck on others “scaffolds”, “older generational-cues” or systemization. While all are necessary for timeline and DNA, including system DNA. Be prepared to leave aside other stories for the most part, and consider your own mark making. There will always be socially-constructed pieces to birthing, but finding our own pathway doesn’t have to be ‘caught up in parallels, reflections' for explicit direction.
We really do Direct ourselves and Acknowledge the contributes.
Some times our Energy beliefs or Core beliefs are system-conscious with overarching Parent-affirmations. ( You should, You are, You will be ) become ( I should, I am, I will be or I have been therefore ). Consider the notion of Parent-affirmations and their power. Then afford the energy-license of consideration that needs to be understood when it comes to: Competitors, snipers and cheerleaders. Unfortunately, social politics and fortunately, energy rapport, are part of Life.
At times, we have Kindred spirits that do a beautiful thing and they fuel the necessary need for positive growth and support, in other ways, they exist as other people in Spirit and also through other alignments like Pet power and Witness-blessings. They build important therapeutic strength for energy alignments and space-foundations connected to a person.
These are some fundamental ideas to support you with your Energy Imprint, spaces considered.
When designing Affirmations and Energisers work with themes:
Personal Recognitions ( I am ..)
These are statements and sayings you create that reinforce those things about you that generally make sense or that are just ( in your nature and are positive recognitions for the self succeeding ) E. g I am always reliable.
I’ve always known…
These reflect your purpose toward gaining success and build on conscious alignments to future success.
Then and Now.
These draw your attention to moving forward, identifying ‘before habits’ and current timing needs and wants statements.
For Liberation & Freedom
Have you ever heard of the saying ‘Sheer gawl of a girl’. We resist ‘no change’ and ‘increase change’ for the better. Like women, so do men. Those that know the saying, know the appreciation.
If in doubt, do it like…
This is an interesting theme because it doesn’t necessarily relate to an actual person.
I can! ( I did. I will.)
These are breakthrough ideas that are intended to motivate the self and commend naturally that part of you that has success, experiences prosperity and enjoys fulfilment.
The affirmations we write for ourselves, can be chalk-marked on mirrors, surface on doorways, appear on whiteboards, written on post its for the diary or wallet, even sticky-memes on the desktop.
Have fun.

Everybody is Creative
Energy Aesthetics & Energy Culture
Our body receives fuel.
The body processes every exposure.
Exposures can be pleasurable, exciting, relaxing, healthy or adverse in some way.
How does music, art, colour, and other shaping creatives increase positive vibration in daily session?
It is not enough to ask how much we benefit from something. Processes are caught up in positive energy subtleties that serve value to the Body.
Every body is Creative.
How can you invite positive behaviours to your practice and work with the element of energy more in your lifestyle?
Working with images and energetic terrain concerns itself with a profound area of Energy Aesthetics.
We are more than our physical body.
Sacred Art
Some say that we go to a place of stillness to access the power of the mind, our context, or something else –
We grow our receptivity when we are aligned with intention, fevour – the light matter of dust that is the golden spatter of time and context colliding, enriches our path.
Ansuz, kennaz, laguz
As to runic symbology and ideas, let expansive principles play a role in forwarding consciousness.
When we tend to make art that is enriched with these principles, we kaleidoscope in a bequest for knowledge, outfitted by the legacy and lineage of Spirit. It is a shared wave of contact, we abound more lightly in rhythms, to know true contact. Seamless gifts in insight, thorough talents in perception and delivery of these gifts for others to astonish at or request learning by teaching receptacle. How do we perform? How do we illustrate? Keeping respects and honouring truths is about listening proactively to the learning and then corresponding thanks, in return.
Sacred art is musing for light gifts – for treasures of a remote kind, interweaving the lens. Forms are a many, divine recognitions take on a new order, and trespass no weaves coming before them, they supercede ably where there is devout teaching and truths to be known by the Creator. Love is generative as is pride . I am of a script for storytelling and new age theory. Only superb works are considered ‘divine’ at times but it is with locus that we should incur pleasure and receive meanings with trust.
What sacred knowings have you faced in alignment to category, recognitions to the divine that has stood aware as an interface for learning?
Be it art script, painting or song?
All carry a sacred weaving, a strong current of creatorship.
Blessings of the Brolga, as we come to a close of the period with the Stag - a time of tribalism and the warrior spirit, a need to see constellations as dynamics, interwoven and carrying out individual quests, desires, grievances and determination.
The Brolga brings cadence; a feeling of rightful place and timing. The message of the Brolga is in its Unison, not reflection. While the nature of yin and yang is integral to understanding duality, Brolga spirit comes forward and emphasises the whole part of one self speaking forward. What is your core soul bringing forward, not what individual features are brought forward? The sum of who we are speaks in summary and gives contributions- presents itself.
The Brolga knows the quality of the lesson - I am.
This is a time to breathe the essences of confirmation to the spirit, allowing your soul to see who it truly is. Brolga brings through the wisdom of actuality in simple fashion.
You know who you are.

Art School & Holistic Care
Professional Art Studio & Art Experiences