This page is currently being Updated 26/01/21
Art School & Holistic Care
Professional Art Studio & Art Experiences
EST. 2015 - Sydney, Australia
Children - Youth - Adults
Celebrating 10 years of Art School
We are Re - Opening in 2026

Our Body is a Source Vibration; we have 'life force'.
Sometimes it is referred to as prana or chi. When exploring Vibrational connections that
is something we all do, we work with different kinds of Energy.
Source vibration is also interpreted as a "greater" energy beyond our immediate physical form. How we interact with those connections and perceive/ activate allignments with care, enables us to function in a particular way.
Examples of Vibrational Healing include:
* Crystal Healing
* Massage & Vibrational Disciplines
* Body Balancing Exercises
* Breathing Philosophy & Patterning
* Visualisation
* Sound Meditation & Remedial Energy Calibration
Other Vibrational Connections include:
* Integration of plants as life forces into the household and spaces we frequent.
* Earth Energies & Sound of various kinds serving purpose during sleep state, as outside
connection and designated as part of the environment.
* Blessing of Angels & Higher Powers through Chimes; embracing the element of Air.
* Prayer Wheels, Energy scrolls and Reinforcements for Positive archetypes and words;
embracing faith & psychology
* Colour Concierge allignments - to impact mood and peacefulness or for designated,
thoughtful stimulus.
* Scents & Use of essential oils - for soft currents and clearing.
*Using Energy symbolism, energy bowls and Balancing Foundations in the home / workplace.
Spiritual Healing & Consolidation Work includes:
* Enriching pathway understanding with greater depth in metaphysical knowledge, where relevant to do the basic and intermediate clearing shifts for best health.
* Subtle Body - Healing for the Self.
* Consolidating with various Energy Practitioner (s) for regular vibrational support.
( Involves psychic energy reading by a trusted person in specialisation ).
Specialisations include: Auric health checks, spirit-release work and cleansing of time-line / past life trauma impacting current health, site-clearings.
Spiritual Health is a focus across many faiths to alleviate sensitive spiritual challenges and to maintain optimum physical, psychological, energetic health. Flushing the energy body of impurities enables the Soul to live well, and to to not be bullied. The purge is an element of life. With an appreciation for protective procurement, and the esoteric - we exist to honour that which is important in supporting others.
Download your free resources on Cutting Cords & Sacred Knowing

' Our Devotional Calendar has resources, one of which is making an Energy Scroll for your doorway or living space.'

Reiki Training
The USUI method of spiritual healing is taught by an experienced practitioner attuned to Master symbols and with an appreciation for the method in how it can benefit the emotional body of clients.
There are various traditions of subtle body healing in Japan. Mikao Usui was a channel that connected to the source symbols originally and based on his teachings, it is given the term USUI Reiki.
Reiki is Subtle-body work and emotional/ causal body correspondents occur with our ‘physical clairsentient experience’ – We feel the energy. “Laying of the Hands” on appropriate body parts in traditional sequence is carried out and various placements can be omitted during the sequence for individuals upon request.
Reiki Courses ( Single Days ) consists of:
Reiki 1 – Self Healing & Reiki 2 – Healing Practitioner ( $480 for combined Reiki 1 & 2)
and Master Reiki 3 – Teaching Level ( adopts the practice of being available for teaching others humbly ).
Students looking for courses in Spiritual healing may enquire with Erin. Reiki is often combined with other methods of energy reading however the purpose of Reiki training is ‘with the tradition’ and to honour ‘the masters in spirit’, with gratitude for the knowledge.
Erin is responsible for consolidation and teaching throughout the day. Attunements will be carried out throughout the day.
" A Reiki workshop raises Energy insight into the current Energy body and how it is functioning - it is not a simple appreciation. Understanding that we are 'energetic people' with a life of energetic experiences before we enter the door, is a part of realising the Energy body needs constant purification, cleansing and management -
Auric Health checks support optimum health."

Art School & Holistic Care
Professional Art Studio & Art Experiences