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  Studio  Art  Classes in Drawing & Painting 


Classes exist for:


·         Expressive Soul Art & Meditation – Adults / 18 +

·         Studio Teens 11 – 18 yrs

·         Studio Kids 7 – 12 yrs

·         Studio Juniors 4 – 6 yrs


Erin runs all of Sienna Art Space Classes across the 3 day timetable. 


Please see Class Descriptions below for an Overview.





Key Features of the Wave Studio:


. New Vinyl Floor (non-slip)

. New Downlights & Air-Conditioning/Heater


. Fully Furnished for all Studio Ages 

. Wooden Studio Standing Easels, Tripod easels, 

    wooden table easels & display practical supports

. Standing or Seated Options - Wooden Tables for Indoor

    settings & 'groovy butt & leg chairs' wooden table comfort.

. Outdoor trundles - various heights for various needs.

. Child-friendly small tables and chairs.


. Individual Art Spaces in Studio for Adults & Teens/Kids/Juniors.


Note: Photos reflect some images from Bardia-based hiring period 2015 - end of Term 2, 2018 & also some images from the Casula SunHouse & Wave Studio, Term 1 2019 to Term 1 2020.





Galleria Display 2020


The February 2020 display was our first casual connection in Galleria Display at the Sun House, utilizing the Wave Studio & Cove. It is a great connection point for the children and teen body to explore these types of display opportunities with the culture of openings, awards and getting-to-know development of art project connections across age groupings. 



  Works on Paper

  By Studio Juniors, Studio Kids & Studio Teens




The Archetypal perameters of the human heart are understood as no violation to the protective needs for survival, instead they have availability to soul consciousness in the energy.


The Human eye and response connections to animal – our dual natures, permeates a very special relationship for our teens and child aged creators, be it pet, wild & free-familiar connection or groups. We are embedded in a tandem soul response, understanding.


For each of our cohorts, they have explored themselves through drawn art-response, outcomes ranging in delivery, with consciousness not through discovery of self-directed aims, connective tissue dynamics in the Studio Art energy and feeling discourse.


More basic familiar eye connections have been appreciated, delving into the ‘shape’ consciousness of ‘arc’ and their counterparts. With immersion further into intermediate ideas of structure to gain technical awareness in pictorial understanding and responding to connections in culture: the students have looked at cultural storytelling, animal motif & eye, heart and mirror relationships. I am whole.



Galleria Display 2020 Select Images, reflect some key projects but not all of the artworks or smaller studies across media created in 2019.


2020 Galleria Display -  I have temporarily taken down Individual Artist Profile images with the drape. Not all Artists were present for Photographs. Students represented were aged 4 - 14.














































                                        Workshops & Tuition


To Book a Professional Workshop at my venue, email Erin directly for an Expression of Interest Form & Conditions of Service Agreement. 


Workshops, both half day and full day, 2 day workshops and ongoing class sessions are available.


In the past, invitations to facilitate workshops have included THE BIG DRAW Festival, Trainworks NSW & ongoing watercolour classes for seniors at The Greek Orthodox Community Inc.



Event Bookings are subject to Erin’s availability.


In the past, Erin has conducted enjoyable & heartfelt workshops, including our signature Art Circuits for Kids and Art Circles for Women as part of our Internal Timetable. She has also tutored 1-on-1 and Small Group Sessions as Private Bookings for Children, Teens and Adults.


As always, Bookings require advanced payment & professional awareness information through the Completion of both Expressions of Interest Form & Service Agreement.


This ensures fairness, respect and welfare.




Art Circuits for Kids 


Art Circults are Full day workshops or Half Day Mini Art Circuits that incorporate one main art-making project, following by two experimental mixed media projects. Usually one of those includes a handmade prop or individual wearable for Live Art backdrops in which students get in Character mode.


Pictured are some gallery examples of the end of day photographs. Art as Play !




Past Workshops 2015-2017



Magical Art Circuit

Toon Art Circuit I

A Painter's Art Circuit

Winter Kids: Sculpture & Printmaking​

Farm Adventures Mini Art Circuit

Space Adventures Mini Art Circuit

Mythical Art Circuit 

Toon Art Circuit II

















Gotta Paint em'all 2 week 22m casual mural

Pokemon Flashback.jpg

During 2015 - 2017, Fundraising & Support Initaitives were a part of Women's Workshops, internal to our space, the Kids Art of Giving Art and End of Year Fundraising Initiatives. Emphasis was two fold - support for those in Circle using Art and other holistic connections, as well as fundraising, donations and art raffles with proceeds going to other Initiatives and associations outside the Studio Business.  This was prior to the 2019 restructure to offer holistic supports and connection through art experiences.


In the past we have contributed to:

Pink Ribbon, Cancer Council

Beyond Blue

Starlight Foundation

Christmas Wishing Tree


and contribute annually to recognising & sharing positive dialogues and activity for: Harmony Day 



Colour Fiesta is our End of Year Party for all Combined Studio Classes.

If theres a Coconut Straw, a lei or a Rainbow - you know it's a Colour Fiesta Backdrop Photo.


This page is currently being Updated  26/01/21

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Art School & Holistic Care

Professional Art Studio & Art Experiences




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